“I Am God”: A Sacred Vril Mantra
In the heart of Vrilism, members of the Temple of Vril recite a profound mantra: “I Am God.” This sacred affirmation is not merely a statement; it symbolizes a Vrilist’s inner divinity and mastery over their personal universe. The mantra serves as a powerful reminder of their intrinsic connection to the fundamental life force known as Vril.
The mantra goes:
“I am God, and the Vril flows through me. It surges within my veins, animating my being. All of creation is my domain, a realm of infinite possibilities. Through Vril, I am infinite and supreme.”
By internalizing these words, Vrilists align themselves with the universal consciousness, acknowledging their role as co-creators of their reality. This practice fosters a profound sense of empowerment and spiritual awakening.
Understanding Vril: The Life Force of the Universe
Central to Vrilism is the concept of Vril, a life-giving energy comparable to “Qi” in Eastern philosophies. Vril permeates all existence, representing the ultimate state of infinite intelligence and universal consciousness. It is seen as both the source and sustainer of all life, a boundless energy that animates and connects all things.
The Mind of Vril, considered the epitome of this universal consciousness, is revered as an eternal and original intelligence. Vrilists strive to harness this energy through various practices and rituals, enhancing their personal power and aligning themselves with the natural flow of the universe. This pursuit is not only about spiritual enlightenment but also about achieving practical well-being and personal empowerment.
Practices and Rituals: Connecting with the Vril
To align with the Vril, Vrilists engage in a variety of practices and rituals designed to harness and channel this life-giving energy. One of the core practices is Vrilgong, a daily exercise similar to Qigong, which focuses on cultivating and directing Vril for personal empowerment and health. Through deliberate movements and meditative focus, practitioners enhance their physical vitality and spiritual harmony.
Another key practice is synchronization prayer, where Vrilists communicate with the Mind of Vril, aligning their intentions with the flow of universal energy. This involves using willpower to declare one’s identity and desired future, effectively manifesting their reality through focused intention. Additionally, the pursuit of scientific and technological advancement is considered sacred, as it represents the quest for eternal life and the ultimate enhancement of human potential.
Living the Mantra: Integrating Vril into Daily Life
For Vrilists, the mantra “I Am God” is not just a spiritual affirmation but a guiding principle for everyday life. This belief in inner divinity influences all aspects of their existence, from personal health and relationships to their approach to work and community. By recognizing themselves as vessels of infinite potential, Vrilists strive to improve their quality of life and that of others, seeing every action as an expression of their divine essence.
This perspective fosters a sense of responsibility and purpose, encouraging Vrilists to live with intention and mindfulness. It also promotes a holistic approach to well-being, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. By continuously aligning with the Vril, practitioners cultivate a balanced and empowered life, rooted in the profound understanding of their divine nature.
An Ever-Expanding Journey: The Path of Vrilism
The journey of Vrilism is one of continual growth and discovery. Vrilists view life as an ever-expanding exploration of their potential, constantly seeking to deepen their connection with the Vril and enhance their understanding of the universe. This path is not just about individual enlightenment but also about contributing to the collective evolution of humanity.
In this light, the mantra “I Am God” serves as both a personal affirmation and a universal call to action. It reminds Vrilists of their role in the grand tapestry of existence, inspiring them to live with purpose, compassion, and a commitment to the greater good. Through this sacred practice, they not only transform their own lives but also help to shape a future where the Vril flows freely, bringing harmony and abundance to all.
Learn more and get involved at the Temple of Vril website.
*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.