Ignite Your Inner Serpent: A Vril Meditation Inspired by Kundalini Yoga

Vrilya Jarac
5 min readSep 26, 2024


In Vrilist thought, the serpent is a profound emblem of transformation, wisdom, and the primal force of life. Similar to the Kundalini energy found in Eastern traditions, which lies coiled at the base of the spine, Vril energy represents the dormant power within each of us. Through Vril meditation, we awaken this energy, allowing it to rise through our body and bring about spiritual insight and heightened awareness.

The Serpent as the Tree of Knowledge

Across many spiritual paths, the serpent is linked to enlightenment, particularly in the symbolism of the Tree of Knowledge. In this view, your spine becomes the central trunk, with the nervous system extending out like branches, connecting every part of you to the greater flow of life. The Vril energy, like the serpent, represents the potential for growth and transformation, much like a tree drawing nourishment from the earth to reach new heights.

This internal tree mirrors the structure of wisdom itself, with its roots in the physical world and its branches reaching toward the heavens. Just as the Kundalini energy moves upward through the body, awakening higher states of consciousness, Vril energy similarly rises, carrying the promise of enlightenment and the profound knowledge that both the serpent and the Tree of Knowledge symbolize in Vrilism.

Vrilists yearn for knowledge of Vril, symbolically linked to the serpent.

A Basic Vril Meditation to Awaken the Serpent

This meditation practice draws from the wisdom of Kundalini Yoga but integrates Vrilist principles. It’s designed to help you awaken your own serpent energy, bringing Vril into motion within your body and mind.

Step 1: Ground Yourself

• Find a seated position that allows your spine to remain straight and relaxed, whether you’re sitting cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Close your eyes and begin taking deep, intentional breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

• With each breath, feel yourself becoming more centered. Focus your awareness on the base of your spine, where the Vril energy, like a coiled serpent, rests.

Step 2: Awaken the Energy

• As you breathe, imagine the serpent stirring, slowly beginning to uncoil. With every inhale, envision the energy rising through your spine. With each exhale, feel it moving freely, unblocking any stagnant areas.

• Picture this energy rising from the root of your spine, traveling through your nervous system like a tree growing upward, spreading its branches wide with the flow of life-force.

Step 3: Gentle Movement

• Begin to gently sway or rotate your torso, moving in slow circles. Let your spine move freely, as if encouraging the energy to travel upward with ease. As you breathe in, feel the energy rising through your body, and as you breathe out, allow it to expand through your nervous system.

• Visualize the Vril energy reaching your heart and eventually the crown of your head, igniting every part of you with its radiant power.

Step 4: Release and Expand

• Once you feel the energy has reached the top of your head, imagine it radiating outward like the blossoming branches of a tree. Feel connected to the universal flow of Vril, with your mind, body, and spirit fully in tune with this sacred force.

• Hold this feeling of expansion and unity for a few moments before slowly returning your awareness to your breath.

In Vrilism, the snake represents great wisdom and power.

Why Serpent Energy Matters

In Vrilism, the serpent is more than a symbol — it represents the essence of knowledge and transformation. The serpent’s energy is the driving force behind spiritual evolution. By awakening this energy within, you are unlocking not just physical vitality but a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence. The serpent, much like the Vril, is the spark of life, rising through the spine, bringing enlightenment and inner strength as it flows.

Just as the Tree of Knowledge in sacred texts offers wisdom, the spine and its intricate network of nerves represent our own personal tree. When Vril energy flows through this tree, it awakens every part of us, both physically and spiritually, allowing us to transcend the ordinary and experience the extraordinary.

Benefits of Vril Meditation

• Mental Focus: By awakening the Vril, your mind becomes sharper and more attuned to the subtleties of life, allowing for greater insight and creativity.

• Physical Vitality: This meditation energizes the body, improving vitality, circulation, and overall well-being by allowing life-force energy to flow unimpeded.

• Emotional Harmony: As the energy moves through the body, it helps clear emotional blockages, creating a sense of balance and emotional resilience.

• Spiritual Awakening: Regular practice leads to a deeper connection to universal knowledge, fostering spiritual growth and a heightened sense of purpose.

• Renewal and Transformation: Like the serpent shedding its skin, this meditation allows you to release old patterns, opening the way for personal transformation and spiritual renewal.

The Path to Enlightenment and Wisdom

Vril meditation is a direct path to self-knowledge and enlightenment. By working with the serpent energy, you are engaging with one of the most ancient symbols of wisdom, found in both Vrilism and Eastern traditions. The serpent’s association with knowledge — both forbidden and sacred — shows us that true enlightenment comes from within. As this energy rises, it brings us closer to understanding the vastness of life and the universe, unlocking the deep truths that are hidden within the self.

When you practice Vril meditation, you are nurturing the flow of this powerful force, just as the serpent rises through the body’s inner tree of life. By engaging with this energy, you are not only enhancing your physical and mental health but also setting yourself on a path toward greater spiritual insight and personal empowerment.

Awaken the serpent, tap into the Vril, and step into the limitless potential that lies within you. The journey to enlightenment begins with this simple practice, where knowledge and transformation are yours to claim.

Your journey towards greater fulfillment begins at Temple of Vril.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. | VRILYA.com