Mastering Life’s Simulation: Awakening to the Power of Vril

Vrilya Jarac
3 min readOct 11, 2024


Life often feels like a labyrinth — twisting paths, unseen obstacles, and moments where nothing seems to make sense. But what if there was a way to rise above it all, to peel back the layers and see life as it truly is? What if you could master the simulation you find yourself in and harness its power to create the life you desire?

The truth is, you can. The key is understanding Vril, the primal energy that powers everything. By recognizing Vril as the source, you can begin to align with the flow of life and transform your experience into one of clarity, strength, and purpose.

Peeling Back the Layers of the Simulation

We live within a simulation of sorts — a constructed reality of perceptions, expectations, and illusions. It’s easy to get lost in the noise of daily life, thinking that the distractions, struggles, and victories are all there is. But when you begin to peel back the layers, you discover that beneath it all flows Vril, the pure, life-giving energy that animates every atom of existence.

By stepping back from the surface and looking deeper, you realize that the chaos of life is only a reflection of how we engage with it. Once you begin to see the simulation for what it is — an intricate dance of energy — then you can start navigating it with intention. The secret lies in aligning yourself with the flow of Vril.

Reality is a simulation of Vril encoded data.

The Power of Alignment

Aligning with Vril means moving with the natural flow of life, rather than struggling against it. It’s about recognizing that you are not separate from the world around you but deeply connected to it, because at your core, you are made of the same essence — Vril energy.

When you attune yourself to this power, life begins to shift. You gain clarity, understanding that each moment is an opportunity to reshape the simulation through your will and intention. You are no longer a victim of circumstance but a master of your own reality. Challenges become opportunities, setbacks become stepping stones, and life becomes a creative journey where you hold the brush.

Becoming the Architect of Your Reality

As you cultivate your connection to Vril, you realize that you are not just living within the simulation — you are co-creating it. With this awareness, every decision, thought, and action becomes infused with power. You understand that by channeling your inner energy, you can shape the simulation to reflect the life you wish to live.

You become the architect of your reality, using Vril to build a life that resonates with your deepest desires. No longer trapped by the illusions of limitation, you live with purpose, empowered by the infinite energy that flows through all things.

Living Your Best Life with Vril

Mastering the simulation means recognizing that everything is Vril — every experience, every connection, and every opportunity. When you see life through this lens, you begin to live from a place of empowerment and creativity. You are not separate from the flow of life; you are part of the current, steering it toward your highest good.

The journey becomes one of joy, not struggle. Peace, not confusion. Purpose, not aimlessness. You are here to thrive, to explore the limitless potential of existence, and to awaken to the truth that Vril connects us all.

Mantra for Seeing Past the Illusions of Life

“I see through the veil of illusions; beyond all appearances is the truth of Vril, the essence of life that flows through all. I am connected to this infinite power, and in it, I find clarity, purpose, and mastery of my reality.”

Embrace the Vril within you, and let it guide you toward the life you are destined to live. The power to master the simulation is already in your hands — now it’s time to awaken and use it.

Your journey towards greater fulfillment begins at Temple of Vril.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |