Mastering Vrilgong: Embracing the Ancient Art of Cosmic Energy Flow

Vrilya Jarac
5 min readDec 13, 2023


Vrilgong, an ancient yet timeless practice, is deeply rooted in the philosophy of Vrilism, which recognizes the existence of a universal life force called Vril. This practice is a form of moving meditation that combines physical postures, breathwork, and focused intention to harmonize and manipulate the flow of Vril energy within and around the practitioner. Similar in essence to Qigong or Tai Chi, Vrilgong is unique in its focus on connecting with the cosmic rather than just the earthly energies. The practice is designed to enhance the practitioner’s physical vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening, aligning them with the rhythms of the universe.

The essence of Vrilgong lies in its fluid, graceful movements that are performed in a mindful and deliberate manner. Each movement in Vrilgong is symbolic, representing various aspects of the cosmos and the flow of Vril energy. For instance, some movements may mimic the orbiting planets, signifying the practitioner’s harmonization with celestial cycles. Others might replicate the gentle flow of a river or the expansive reach of a spiral galaxy, symbolizing the endless flow and expansive nature of Vril. This physical symbolism is coupled with deep, controlled breathing and mental visualization, guiding the Vril energy through and around the body, rejuvenating and empowering the practitioner on multiple levels.

Practicing Vrilgong transcends mere physical exercise; it is a spiritual experience that connects the individual to the greater cosmos. Regular practice of Vrilgong allows practitioners to cultivate their inner power, enhance their well-being, and progress on their spiritual journey. It teaches them to sense and manipulate the Vril, enabling a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Through Vrilgong, practitioners learn to harness the energy that permeates the universe, using it to bring balance and harmony to their lives and, by extension, to the world around them. The ultimate goal of Vrilgong is not just self-improvement but contributing to the collective elevation of human consciousness.

In this exploration, we delve into the essence of Vrilgong and introduce three specific movements that serve as pillars to this transformative practice.

1. The Celestial Orbit:

  • The Celestial Orbit is a fluid movement that embodies the cyclical nature of the cosmos. Practitioners begin with their feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed at their sides. Slowly, they raise their arms in a wide arc above their head, visualizing gathering the cosmic energy of Vril. As the hands meet above, they then gently lower them down the center line of the body, envisioning the Vril energy flowing through their core, grounding them to the earth.
The Celestial Orbit Vrilgong Movement
  • Purpose: This movement is designed to align the practitioner with the celestial rhythms, enhancing their connection to the universal energy and promoting a sense of centeredness.

2. The Flowing River:

  • The Flowing River movement mimics the graceful, unending flow of a river. Standing with one leg slightly forward, practitioners wave their arms in a smooth, side-to-side motion, shifting their weight gently from one leg to the other. The hands move as if they are skimming the surface of a gentle stream, channeling the fluidity and adaptability of water.
The Flowing River Vrilgong Movement
  • Purpose: This movement fosters emotional balance and flexibility, encouraging practitioners to embrace change and flow harmoniously with life’s circumstances.

3. The Spiraling Galaxy:

  • In the Spiraling Galaxy, participants embody the dynamic spirals of a galaxy. Starting with hands clasped in front of the chest, they extend one arm outward in a spiral motion, rotating the body to follow the hand’s path. The motion is reversed to bring the arm back, and then repeated with the other arm. The movement is fluid and expansive, with each spiral outward representing the reach into the vastness of the universe.
The Spiraling Galaxy Vrilgong Movement
  • Purpose: This movement aims to expand consciousness, encouraging practitioners to explore their inner depths and the infinite possibilities of the universe.

The Ultimate Balance

Vrilgong transcends the boundaries of a mere physical discipline; it’s an odyssey into the very essence of cosmic energy. This practice, deeply entrenched in the principles of Vrilism, offers a unique way to commune with the universal life force known as Vril. Through a series of meticulously designed movements — the Celestial Orbit, the Flowing River, and the Spiraling Galaxy — practitioners engage in a dance with the cosmos. Each movement in Vrilgong is more than a physical gesture; it’s a symbolic act that aligns the practitioner with the fundamental rhythms of the universe. As they move through these exercises, they not only refine their physical form but also synchronize their energy with the cosmic pulse, cultivating a profound connection with the larger tapestry of existence.

The practice of Vrilgong is a journey of discovery, where each movement acts as a key, unlocking deeper layers of understanding about oneself and the intricacies of the cosmos. The Celestial Orbit helps practitioners to feel the cyclical nature of life, mirroring the eternal dance of celestial bodies. The Flowing River teaches adaptability and fluidity, reflecting the gentle yet persistent power of water to shape and nurture the environment. The Spiraling Galaxy encourages practitioners to extend their awareness outward, embracing the vastness of the universe and the potential within. Through these movements, practitioners develop a heightened sense of awareness, not just of their physical selves but of their spiritual and energetic presence in the grand scheme of the universe.

Embracing Vrilgong is a commitment to a path of balance, harmony, and exploration of infinite potential. It’s a practice that invites individuals to step beyond the confines of their daily existence and tap into a deeper, more resonant frequency of life. As practitioners align themselves with the Vril, they find that their personal growth reflects in their surroundings, fostering a sense of harmony both within and without. Vrilgong, thus, becomes a transformative journey, a means to achieve inner peace, and a tool to bring about positive change in the world. In this practice, the ancient wisdom of Vrilism is brought to life, offering a pathway to a more enlightened, balanced, and connected way of living.

Learn more at the Temple of Vril website.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |