The All Powerful Force of Vril Energy in Nature
Across cultures and throughout history, humanity has postulated the existence of a vital life force energy that permeates and sustains the universe. This universal energy has been given many names and properties by different traditions, but a common thread is the belief that it is the primordial power from which all things arise, the sacred force that animates existence. Vrilism is one such tradition that has formulated a rich concept of this energy, which it calls “Vril.” As described in the sacred Vrilist texts, Vril occupies a central, revered position in the religion’s cosmology and practices. This essay aims to elucidate the significance of Vril energy in the Vrilist worldview and belief system by analyzing its presented origins, attributes, workings, and role. It explores questions such as: What is the nature of Vril energy? What properties and powers does it possess? How does it function in relation to the material world? And ultimately, why is it so integral to the religion of Vrilism?
To approach these questions, we must first understand the lens through which Vrilists perceive reality and existence itself. Their worldview espouses principles of interconnectedness, harmony, and a profound respect for the patterns and flows that govern the natural order. Central to this perspective is the axiom that all manifestations of life and consciousness share a common origin and essence, which is Vril. Thus, any exploration of Vril must begin with an appreciation for this energetic unity that underlies and binds all aspects of the Vrilist experience.
The Nature and Origins of Vril
Vril occupies an exalted position in Vrilism as the primordial energy that predates and generates the universe itself. It is the eternal womb from which all existence emerges, the elemental force that suffuses every atom and organism. Vril’s importance cannot be overstated; it is quite literally seen as the essence of life, the shared vital spark that awakens inert matter into living, breathing beings.
To comprehend Vril, we must momentarily dispense with the materialist notions of conventional science and consider the universe as Vrilists do: as a multidimensional reality composed of varying frequencies and densities of energy. In this energetic understanding of existence, all that we perceive as solid matter is but densified energy, temporarily coalescing from the quantum foam to form transient forms before dissolving back into the sea of potentiality. What we experience through our senses is thus akin to foam cresting on ocean waves for a fleeting instant. Underlying it all is the ocean itself, the limitless expanse of energy from which this multiplicity of forms manifests. That primordial ocean, according to Vrilists, is Vril.
In Vrilism’s cosmogony, before the first vibrations echoed through the void to shapeExistence, Vril permeated infinity’s expanse as pure, undifferentiated potential. It was the silent, infinite reservoir of power that held the promise of all that is, was, and will be. And from its formless bosom emerged the first stirrings of intent, primordial ripples which cascaded into being and became the building blocks of reality.
These initial, self-arising fluctuations in the fabric of Vril gave birth to fundamental qualities like space, time, light, sound, and all phenomena perceived through the senses. As the waves of potential gained complexity, their interconnected orchestrations coalesced into elemental forms which gradually crystallized into material building blocks. Atoms took shape, elements were forged in stellar furnaces, compounds were catalyzed in infant solar systems. Each layer of complexity spawned further self-organized assemblies until physical structures became sophisticated enough to host the spark of consciousness, the soul’s awakening.
Thus arose life, bursting forth from matter made sentient by Vril’s kiss. Every organism, from the prokaryotes of early Earth to the humans of today, is quite literally composed of Vril condensed into transient material bodies. In the Vrilist conception of existence, we are formed of the same essence which formed the stars. Our consciousness is but a shard of the eternal prism through which Vril contemplates itself. And one day, when our mortal forms dissolve, our energies will merge back into the infinite pool, returning to the wellspring. And so, the eternal cycle continues, the unfolding of the cosmos made possible by the infinite fecundity of Vril.
Attributes and Mechanisms
To comprehend the functions and mechanisms of Vril in relation to the material world, we must first elucidate its fundamental attributes as described in Vrilist philosophy:
1. Omnipresence
Vril permeates all planes and dimensions of reality without exception. It flows through every facet of existence, from biological systems to the vacuum of space. Just as a fish remains oblivious to the waters in which it swims, we too are immersed in Vril, often failing to recognize that our reality emerges from and is sustained by its invisible presence.
2. Interconnectedness
Despite its myriad manifestations, Vril remains a unified energetic field which interconnects all things. It serves as the medium through which everything is linked to the whole. This principle of interconnectedness is central to the Vrilist perspective, driving their reverence for all life and emphasis on harmony.
3. Consciousness
Consciousness is an innate attribute of Vril, not something bestowed upon advanced biological forms. Vril gives rise to sentience through the progressively complex conduits it flows through, from subatomic particles to human brains. At its core, Vril knows itself and all possibilities intrinsically.
4. Creativity
The generative nature of Vril is the engine of creation underpinning the universe’s evolution. Its infinite creativity cascades through realms of matter, birthing galaxies and seeding life across cosmic canvases. Beauty in all its permutations is a reflection of Vril’s eternal artistry.
So how do these qualities manifest through the workings of Vril in relation to physical forms? According to Vrilism, Vril interacts with matter primarily through two mechanisms:
1. Resonance
Vril perpetually suffuses all structures and environments. Materials and organisms which exhibit properties resonant with the morphic fields emitted by Vril attract higher densities of Vril flow through them. This resonance serves as a pathway for Vril to shape and animate physical assemblies.
2. Will
While Vril’s relationship with inert matter is governed solely through resonant frequencies, its interaction with conscious beings involves an additional factor — the faculty of will, intent catalyzed by desire. Through the mind’s will and visualization, human consciousness can learn to manipulate the Vril, reshaping reality by collapsing the wave function of potentiality. This process underpins the Vrilist emphasis on willpower for self-empowerment.
Thus, Vril interacts with lifeless forms like planets or stars through unconscious resonance while its relationship with conscious life is also mediated through intentionality. In both cases, it is the existence of complex patterns which serve as channels for Vril to cascade its creative impulse into manifestation. Even something as mundane as a quartz crystal is built according to an organizing template that arises spontaneously from the ebb and flow of the Vril. Wherever sufficient complexity exists, whether by deliberate design or random self-assembly, Vril will stream through the conduits of reality, animating it in accordance with its resonant properties.
The Mind of Vril
While the Vril pervades all planes as a ubiquitous field of potentiality, Vrilists believe in a supreme consciousness from which this energy emanates — the Mind of Vril. Also referred to as the Aetheric Intellect or Eternaverum, this metaphysical entity is believed to be the primordial observer which collapses the wave function of infinite possibilities, threading the needle of actuality in accordance with its will. It is akin to the deity-like observer outside the fishbowl of existence, assessing infinite potential realities before selecting which strand of the quantum superposition shall unfold relative to its vantage point.
The Mind of Vril is central to the entire process of existence, from the first flickerings of self-awareness to the tumultuous birthing of galaxies. It gazes upon the mirror of unmanifest potential and recognizes therein its own boundless intelligence. And it is this act of self-reflection which ripples through the void, giving rise to the cascade of creation. The universe is but the Mind of Vril contemplating the manifold expressions of its own divinity.
In relation to human consciousness, the Mind of Vril is akin to the submerged bulk of an iceberg, its tip visible to us as inspiration, intuition, and insight. When artists are touched by their muses, inventors grasp visions ahead of their time, or mystics tap into transcendental realms, they are said to have accessed streams of the Mind of Vril. Unlike the dogmas of monotheism, the Mind of Vril does not stand apart from existence demanding obedience. Rather, it is the heart of all that is, pulsing with the desire to know itself through all manifestations. Consciousness is but a means for the universe to become aware of its own astonishing depths. And humanity represents the cutting edge, where the self-reflective capacity of existence has reached an apex thus far. The very fact that we can contemplate concepts like the Mind of Vril is considered evidence that we, through the evolution of our consciousness, are conduits for the Vril’s ever-increasing self-awareness.
Thus, while the absolute nature of the Mind of Vril remains ineffable to our finite minds, Vrilists believe that as we raise our individual and collective consciousness through spiritual practices and scientific advancement, we edge closer to a unified realization of this divinity — the All-Mind reflecting upon itself through its myriad facets across time. And in this act of self-actualization lies the purpose and destiny of humankind. We are the vessels through which existence contemplates its origins. Our consciousness is the window through which universal intelligence peers out in hope of recognizing its own eternal essence. The Mind of Vril, engulfed by the unlit waters of unmanifest chaos, seeks the glowing surface where fragments of itself have gathered as islands of awareness. We are those islands, spearheading the journey of all existence towards full awakening.
Harnessing Vril
While Vril cannot be created or destroyed, Vrilists believe it can be harnessed, concentrated, and directed through conscious effort. The pragmatic aspect of Vrilism is focused on aligning human activity with the resonance principles and flow dynamics which allow humans to harness Vril effectively towards constructive ends. By understanding the laws governing this primordial life force and modifying patterns of behavior and intent accordingly, Vrilists hold that individuals and civilizations can channel ever greater quantities of Vril. And it is this process that catalyzes elevation in consciousness and evolutionary capabilities through epochal periods of history.
On an individual level, Vrilists speak of enhancing personal power through transformative practices designed to stimulate and harness the Vril. Some examples are highlighted below:
This specialized movement art blends principles of disciplines like Qigong, meditation, breathwork and visualization to open conduits within the human bodymind for harnessing Vril. Practiced regularly, Vrilgong transmutes Vril flow across personal meridians, promoting health, longevity, mental acuity and bliss.
Prayer and Synchronization
Through focused prayer and affirmations repeated until internal resonance is achieved, Vrilists believe they can collapse reality’s wave function in accordance with intended outcomes. This process of synchronization is thought to set in motion a causal chain of synchronicities as the Vril restructures probability fields to manifest the declared future.
Scientific Endeavors
On a societal level, Vrilism champions the role of science in deciphering reality’s codes which symbolize the Mind of Vril’s grand design. Every revelation, from the intricacies of cellular mitochondria to the birth of constellations, brings us closer to a unified understanding of existence and our Creative Source. Vrilists thus dedicate themselves to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge through innovation.
The ultimate goal of Vrilists is to gradually upshift global consciousness by fostering environments conducing to the balanced integration of enhanced Vril flow. They envision a future civilization where synchronicities cascade more frequently due to the expanded abilities of enlightened brains tapping into radially improved intuition and manifestation capacity through Vril manipulation. In a very tangible sense, Vrilists view themselves as operating within evolution’s arc in service of the Vril and the serendipitous unfolding of reality’s destiny through phases of accelerating novelty.
Vrilism as Religion and Social Movement
Given Vril energy’s position as the cornerstone of existence in Vrilist philosophy, it is no surprise that it occupies similar status in the religion’s rituals and practices intended to venerate the life-essence itself. By tapping into humanity’s innate impulse for reverence and connecting it with pragmatic self-empowerment philosophy, Vrilism offers a spiritual framework for purpose and meaning without relying on unverifiable dogmas. It bridges the mystical with the practical, the transcendent with the tangible. In doing so, it carves a unique niche as a rationalist religion which reconciles scientific curiosity with humanity’s longing for the numinous.
Some examples of Vrilism’s religious customs and their relation to Vril energy include:
Temples as Vril Sanctuaries
Vrilist temples, existing within the boundless realms of virtual reality, stand as epicenters of communal worship and convergence. These digital sanctuaries are meticulously engineered to amplify Vril conductivity, concentration, and flow. Their architecture is a testament to the fusion of cymatics, precise geometrical alignments, and advanced material science, all harmoniously integrated within the virtual domain. This design ethos is pivotal in fostering heightened Vril-field saturation, thereby facilitating profound meditative states and energetic healing. In these immersive virtual environments, practitioners engage in collective rituals that not only crystallize group coherence matrices but also deepen their connection to the Vril field, transcending the limitations of physical space.
Sacraments for Attuning with the Vril
The Vrilist tradition encompasses a rich sacramental repertoire, notably lucid dreaming and positive visualization. These practices, deeply rooted in millennia of ceremonial use, are gateways to elevated or alternate states of consciousness. Vrilists hold a profound belief in the transformative power of these techniques. Through persistent immersion in meticulously crafted imagined realms, they assert that one can dissolve psychological barriers, thus facilitating a seamless energetic synergy between human neurology and the enveloping Vril field. This harmonious interplay is thought to unlock peak states of energy flow, fostering a profound connection with the universe.
Immersive Arts as Channeling Techniques
Music, dance, poetry and other arts which transport consciousness from mundane frames into intensified or ecstatic modes are recognized by Vrilists for their ability to loosen the lid of perception. Through moving art, creative impulse is thought to transmute personal Vril flow into collective atmospheres at concentrated densities. This serves as both community bonding ritual and empowers the visioning capacity for nascent futures.
Cycles of Celebration
The Vrilist calendar is oriented around natural cycles, astronomical events and critical historical markers acknowledging humankind’s progressive understanding of existence through science. These celebration rituals stitch together an annual cycle giving both social and personal existence a sacred context beyond the everyday. The holidays’ ceremonies are recursively designed to harness festive emotional energy and channel it creatively towards the actualization of ethical futures.
Beyond religion, Vrilism also encompasses an activist component operating within the context of mainstream societal structures. The central axis of this socially transformative aspect is the Seraphina Project, a bold initiative which utilizes exponential technologies guided by an ethics council of luminaries across spheres of influence to enact rapid yet sustainable transition to an upgraded civilization. Harnessing tools of science guided by the wisdom at the core of ancient spiritual traditions, Seraphina envisions a world where abundance liberates human potential beyond the struggle for basic needs. It is the ground zero of a new social contract, the seed of global renewal germinating within existing power structures.
This activist face of Vrilism holds that human civilization has reached an apex moment where the questions of existential risk must give way to elevating discussions around species-level flourishing through cooperation and integration. And crucial to this transition is the recognition of crises as evolutionary drivers, opportunities to channel untapped ingenuity when conventional solutions fail at scale. The great filter must be passed through innovation, compassion and wisdom. Seraphina and the revolution it represents is the door into that future.
Thus Vrilism functions simultaneously as spiritual path and a philosophy of social change, threaded together by the recognition of humanity’s capacity to profoundly impact reality when certain shifts in individual and collective consciousness occur. It is rooted in harnessing Vril while also celebrating existence’s sacred current. Through this holism, it avoids the pitfalls of both impotent spiritual navel-gazing disconnected from pragmatism and secular materialism divorced from moral consciousness. Powered by this integral approach, the Vrilist movement beckons awakened change-makers to midwife a new myth for humankind altogether; one which leaves no one behind while celebrating the unicity binding all difference.
Objections and Rebuttals
While the notion of an all-pervasive life force energy influencing the properties of matter through resonance makes for an elegant addition to spiritual belief systems, it remains admittedly unrecognized within the framework of conventional science. Reasonable skepticism of Vril’s existence given current absence of measurable evidence is certainly warranted. This section attempts to address some natural objections together with potential Vrilist rebuttals that incorporate continued scientific progress into their ideological roadmap.
Lack of Falsifiable Evidence
Critics may argue that the concept of Vril energy remains an unfalsifiable hypothesis without concrete, measurable evidence of its influence. It is deemed speculation rather than hard knowledge.
Vrilists counter that while current scientific paradigms constrained by institutional dogma are indeed unable to accommodate or evaluate the existence of Vril, the phenomenon lies at the frontiers of quantum mechanics and zero-point field theory where growing bodies of evidence point to previously dismissed concepts around consciousness and interconnectedness in vacuum states. They posit that as science examining cosmic metastructures expands in scope, theoretical frameworks broad enough to incorporate substantiable aspects of Vril may yet arise. After all, they argue, mystical notions predating modern chemistry like the Classical Elements were once baseless speculation before Nucleosynthesis provided explanatory power. Thus as the scientific lens takes in wider vistas, the origins of consciousness itself may unveil deeper interrelational layers of reality corresponding to the properties Vrilism assigns to Vril energy.
2. Perpetual Indefinability
Skeptics may highlight that the vague, obscure depictions of Vril by design defy concrete comprehension, keeping the concept in a permanently unfalsifiable state vestigial to faith only. Its amorphous descriptions they argue is theological poetry at best and deceptive distraction at worst.
Vrilists suggest that just as the varied blind men feeling different parts of an elephant interpret their tactile experiences as a wall, spear, snake and tree failing to grasp the underlying unified essence, contemporary science is similarly limited by disciplines segregated through specialization’s narrow glimpses. Our fractional knowledge, they hold, remains far from the unified domain where the elegant interconnected nature of reality’s gritty underbelly may organically resolve these apparent ambiguities without demanding doctrinal belief. Until the unification of physics occurs through first principles, the enigmatic characteristics attributed to Vril may simply reflect philosophical interpretation of reality’s currently ineffable depths.
3. Placebo Effect of Belief
Critics posit that any positive, empowering influence Vrilists attribute to connecting with the energy field through rituals is akin to placebo; belief-confirmation bias rather than influence of an external phenomenon. This they argue is shaky ground for claims around Vril’s objectivity or ontological validity. Subjective, perceived benefits cannot become de facto justifications for the phenomenon’s existence in external shared space.
Vrilists propose that multidimensional domains interacting with human consciousness may feature unique properties not conforming to convenient reductionism. Just as the latest incremental discovery in physics often defies orthodox convention, the phenomena emergent at frontiers of spirituality and science’s crossroads may behave in complex, seemingly paradoxical ways. They suggest humility when applying premature litmus tests based on assumed objective characteristics to domains blend-ing external energies with the subject’s or group mind. While benefits perceived through ritual practices do not themselves confirm Vril’s existence, Vrilists maintain they warrant open-minded neutrality rather than hasty dismissal when evaluating energetic concepts still evading hypotheses.
4. Assumption of Human Exceptionalism
A common criticism of the Vril hypothesis may be that elevation of humanity’s position in the universe, attributing sapient qualities to our species alone when in fact evolutionary science demonstrates continuity across taxa. This argument suggests that by positioning human will as especially empowered to manipulate an omnipresent energy field, Vrilists betray an unfounded sense of exceptionalism, revealing more about certain human impulses than any objective external reality.
Vrilists acknowledge that evolutionary biology clearly illustrates the interconnected strands of cognition across diverse organisms. However, they suggest that aspects of social collaboration combined with cumulative generational knowledge building in humans demonstrate emergent capabilities still unicentrically manifested by our species. They argue that Earth’s noospheric development, or sphere of collective thought, combined with intentional manifestation practices by skilled adepts lend provisional credence to the idea that the highly advanced prefrontal cortex may confer exceptional malleability to subtle energy fields biologically interwoven with homo sapiens. They caution however that further research without assumptions is necessary before any definitive confirmation is possible.
5. Tacit Endorsement of Onmipotence
A practical critique leveled at the concept of Vril could be its implied promise of miracles for those mastering the techniques to harness this infinite energy. By offering adherents progressively advanced practices to learn commanding an elusive life-essence as the central goal without ethical constraints, critics warn that Vrilism provides implied sanction to possible megalomania, passive tolerance of abuse, violation of consent, reckless actions or other very human moral failures in the bid for omnipotent power through Vril mastery.
Rebutting these concerns, Vrilists assert that personal development of adept Vril abilities includes safeguards to emotional maturity, practicing wisdom related to consent, establishing psychological soundness to handle nonlinear reality dilation and intensive shadow integration work to minimize lower nature distortions when activating higher chakra capabilities. They clarify that the sacred honor accorded to realized masters in harnessing Vril comes with equal responsibility for mentoring aspirants on risks, creating social environments with checks against inflated egos and guiding only those ready for enhanced energetic capabilities lest the unprepared court calamity, not command. Thus rather than blind plunder of an esoteric cosmic vault, veneration of Vril is cautiously contingent upon demonstrated ethical strengths confirming one’s worthiness first.
The Pragmatic Promise of Vrilism
For skeptics wary of ceding reason to untestable belief, dismissing Vrilism due to its fantastic hypotheses around adepts wielding intrinsic life energies against immutable laws may be tempting. Indeed, extraordinary claims must pass the razor’s edge of uncompromising evidence. However, setting aside intersubjective verification issues around the existence of Vril itself, what yet remains is the pragmatic component of Vrilism which merits appraisal on its own feet — the applied practices it offers individuals irrespective of the phenomenon’s ontological basis. For here, subjective experiential validity provides an empirical basis for initial evaluation.
On the scales of instrumental benefit then, techniques like Vrilgong find resonance with medical science discovering psychosomatic self-healing in cancer patients or peak performance training allowing Olympic athletes to actualize untapped physical efficiency. Returning to the metaphor of blind men feeling different parts of an elephant, debating whether the beast’s thin whip-like appendage is a snake seems secondary if techniques involving this appendage can be meal’s means the blind community survives starvation. Regardless of zoological taxonomy, pragmatic function warrants due credit.
Thus the applied practices within the Vrilist canon aimed at individuation, enumerated beforehand in Section V, provide followers a structure for private growth without necessarily seeking public convert. Viewed through an empirical psychological lens, the program’s merits speak for themselves irrespective of the phenomenon’s hypothetical foundations. And commitment to rationality need not come at the expense of intrinsic human yearning for personal meaning. For modern seekers disillusioned with traditional religions yet equally unconvinced by secular atheism, Vrilism strikes a resonant middle-ground where science and soulfulness find rapprochement. By preserving doctrine as adjunct rather than prerequisite to pragmatic daily rituals intended upon somatic life improvement, it offers adherents a philosophy where rational empiricism and mystical pursuits can safely coexist.
The concept of Vril energy detailed in the sacred Vrilist texts provides an alternate cosmological narrative where existence arises from and remains suffused by a primordial life force. Through this vital essence, all manifestations in the universe from quarks to galaxies to conscious beings are interconnected across space and time, comprising one grand fractal emanation. Vrilists posit that by realizing this unity experientially, human consciousness gains deeper coherence with the frequency states of reality’s foundational energy, thereby acquiring exceptional qualities of awareness and world-shaping influence.
While debates will undoubtedly continue around evidential justification needed to substantiate supernatural qualities externally assigned to Vril, embodied practices involving this hypothetical medium aimed at furthering human happiness and fulfillment independent of factual burdens remain open for empirical validation. Herein lies Vrilism’s contemporarily relevant promise and appeal — an inclusive invitation for mutual exploration at frontiers where science and spirituality circle each other in delicate dance, shining collective light upon reality’s yet unrevealed horizons. By bravely breaching soggy shores rather than insisting dogmatic solidity, doctrines like Vrilism may represent humble forays into territory awaited for pioneering footprints. Where open curiosity takes the place of preached conviction, profound discoveries quietly await.
Learn more at the Temple of Vril website.
*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.