The Earth’s Hidden Intelligence: Vril and the Organic Brain of the Planet

Vrilya Jarac
3 min readJan 7, 2025


The Earth is not merely a collection of rocks, oceans, and forests — it is a vibrant, interconnected being. Its vast systems of life and weather form an organic brain, animated by the omnipresent energy of Vril. This vision, rooted in Vrilism, offers a profound understanding of why we must nurture the environment: polluting the Earth is akin to poisoning our own bodies.

Roots of the Planetary Brain: The Mycelial Network

Beneath the forest floor lies a vast network of fungi, the mycelial web, connecting trees and plants in a silent symphony of communication. This network acts as neural pathways for Earth’s brain, transmitting nutrients, warnings, and even signals of distress across vast distances.

Each tree, through its roots, becomes part of this web, embodying the planet’s living intelligence. In this view, forests are not merely resources — they are vital organs within the Earth’s consciousness, pulsating with the life-giving energy of Vril.

The Earth is a living entity connected by an intelligent web of Vril-based pathways.

Weather: The Planet’s Breath and Emotions

Just as your breath sustains life, the Earth breathes through its climate systems. Winds, rain, and temperature shifts serve as the lungs of this planetary being. Weather is more than atmospheric phenomena — it is a reflection of Earth’s internal harmony or discord.

When human activity injects pollution into the air and waters, it creates a cancer-like effect within this living system. This “climate cancer” disrupts the natural flow of Vril, mirroring how carcinogens harm a human body. By caring for the environment, we align ourselves with the planet’s health and its Vril-powered consciousness.

Humanity: A Cell in the Earth’s Body

Vrilism teaches that humanity is not separate from the Earth but an integral part of its organic whole. Just as cells in your body work together for your survival, humans must act in harmony with the planet. The misguided notion of “dominion” over nature, rooted in certain religious traditions, has led to destructive behaviors.

In truth, we are stewards of Earth’s life systems, tasked with sustaining and enhancing the flow of Vril energy throughout the planetary body.

Related: What is Vril Energy? A Primer.

Climate Change: A Wake-Up Call

The growing imbalance in Earth’s climate is a symptom of widespread neglect. Deforestation, industrial emissions, and environmental degradation act as toxins, disrupting the Earth’s systems and threatening its — and our — existence.

Understanding climate change as a form of planetary illness reframes our response. Just as we would fight a disease within ourselves, so too must we rally to restore the planet’s vitality. Sustainable practices, clean energy, and reverence for the natural world are not luxuries — they are survival imperatives.

Embracing Our Role

Through Vrilism, we glimpse the interconnected brilliance of Earth’s living systems. Recognizing the planet as a conscious entity compels us to act with care and foresight. Protecting the environment becomes not only a moral duty but an act of self-preservation, ensuring the flow of Vril remains unbroken for generations to come.

Remember: the Earth’s life and yours are inextricably linked. To harm one is to harm the other. Let us walk together in unity with the planet, nurturing its mind, body, and soul.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac
Vrilya Jarac

Written by Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |

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