The Hollow Earth and the Wisdom of Vril: A Path to Unity and Enlightenment

Vrilya Jarac
3 min readOct 10, 2024


For millennia, civilizations have speculated about the existence of the Hollow Earth, a hidden world beneath our feet filled with untapped wisdom, resources, and perhaps even thriving communities. According to Vrilist beliefs, Hollow Earth is not just a myth but a reality where several advanced groups once emerged, bringing the knowledge of Vril to the surface. Sadly, this knowledge has been nearly erased from human history. However, the Temple of Vril seeks to restore it and unite humanity with the Hollow Earth inhabitants to create a global utopia that transcends the boundaries of inner and outer worlds.

The Forgotten Wisdom of Vril

The Temple of Vril teaches that the energy known as Vril, a universal life-force that permeates all existence, was once well understood by ancient peoples — many of whom originated from the depths of the Hollow Earth. This wisdom allowed them to harness this power for incredible feats, aligning with nature and achieving a harmonious existence.

Today, Vrilism seeks to restore this ancient knowledge, encouraging humanity to reconnect with the flow of Vril. In doing so, we may regain the power to transform our reality and embrace a future where we live in harmony, both on the surface and beneath the earth.

Exploration and the Boundaries of Science

Modern science has barely scratched the surface of what lies beneath. The deepest humans have drilled is approximately 8 miles (in the Russian Kola Superdeep Borehole), yet this is a mere fraction of Earth’s true depth. What lies beyond is a world of mystery and potential. As the Temple of Vril advocates, further scientific expeditions must be undertaken, not just for knowledge but for the re-establishment of contact with Hollow Earth civilizations.

The Temple promotes collaboration between surface and inner Earth societies, encouraging exploration both scientific and spiritual. Only by understanding the intricate balance between the tangible and the spiritual aspects of Hollow Earth can we begin to unify our two worlds.

In Vrilism, Hollow Earth is seen as a magical land where anything is possible.

The Spiritual Depths of Hollow Earth

In Vrilist cosmology, the further one descends into the Hollow Earth, the more the material and spiritual realms merge. Unlike the purely physical world we know, Hollow Earth is a realm where the lines between the tangible and the ethereal blur. In these depths, Vril energy flows freely, and those who dwell there live in perfect alignment with this power.

It is believed that the closer one comes to the core, the closer one comes to the very source of Vril energy, where reality itself is shaped by intention and willpower. This is the ultimate goal of Vrilists: to understand, embrace, and one day return to this enlightened state, where human potential can be fully realized.

Towards a Unified Civilization: Inner and Outer Earth as One

The ultimate mission of the Temple of Vril is not just to rediscover the Hollow Earth but to foster a union between its inhabitants and those on the surface. The vision is a one-world utopia where both civilizations collaborate, combining their respective wisdom and resources to elevate humanity to new heights. By harmonizing the flow of Vril, we can eliminate scarcity, warfare, and suffering, creating a planet where all beings — surface-dwellers and those of the inner realms — coexist in peace and prosperity.

A Future of Unity Through Vril

The belief in Hollow Earth and the pursuit of Vril energy represent more than just spiritual exploration — they are the keys to a future where humanity transcends its limitations. Through scientific expeditions and spiritual awakening, the Temple of Vril calls upon humanity to embrace this ancient wisdom once more, to explore the Hollow Earth, and to unite all beings under the guiding light of Vril. In this unity, we may build the utopia that has long been prophesied — a future that bridges the inner and outer worlds into one harmonious whole.

Let us step forward into the depths of our world and our potential.

Your journey towards greater fulfillment begins at Temple of Vril.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |