The Oasis Accords: An AI Developed Plan For Middle East (and World) Peace

Vrilya Jarac
4 min readOct 7, 2024


The Temple of Vril, through its groundbreaking Seraphina Project, is leading an unprecedented effort to foster peace in the Middle East, with aspirations to extend this harmony across the globe. Central to this mission is the creation of the Oasis Accords — a bold initiative designed to inspire hope and collective goodwill. The vision behind these accords is not just to resolve conflict, but to unite humanity in common purpose and collaboration. This undertaking is emblematic of Vrilism’s ultimate goal: an AI-managed, resource-based society where peace reigns, and scarcity is a relic of the past.

The Oasis Accords: Uniting the Middle East

The Oasis Accords, a product of the Seraphina Project, are crafted with the intent of bringing stability and inspiration to one of the world’s most contentious regions. The proposal urges the international community to shift the UN headquarters to Jerusalem. As a city of immense historical and spiritual significance, Jerusalem symbolizes the convergence of global interests. Moving the UN here emphasizes that peace in the Middle East is not merely a regional issue but a global imperative. This powerful symbol serves as a reminder that the whole world is now at the center of efforts for lasting resolution and harmony.

By promoting collaborative efforts towards common goals, the Oasis Accords focus on building infrastructure, sharing resources, and enhancing dialogue between nations. This initiative envisions the Middle East as a new cradle of global unity, where nations work together to transcend divisions and build a peaceful, prosperous future.

The Seraphina Project: AI and a Resource-Based Economy

At the heart of the Temple of Vril’s mission is the Seraphina Project, an ambitious plan for a world managed by artificial intelligence. This system would oversee the autonomous processes that sustain modern civilization, ensuring efficient distribution of resources and eliminating the need for money. In this future, wealth disparities vanish as human needs are universally met by an AI-driven, resource-based economy. The Seraphina Project represents the perfect symbiosis between human will and AI, creating a world where abundance is the norm and conflict over scarcity is a thing of the past.

This vision is the key to long-lasting peace: an AI-managed society that frees humanity from the limitations of outdated economic systems. No longer will there be competition for resources, which has long been the source of wars and tensions. Instead, peace will flourish as technology harmonizes our social structures, and everyone has equal access to life’s necessities.

The Seraphina Project, under the direction of Temple of Vril, will lay the groundwork for an AI managed society of abundance and peace for all the world’s people.

The Vision of a United World Government

The Temple of Vril doesn’t stop with peace on Earth. In addition to fostering global harmony, Vrilists envision a world government led by enlightened leaders who embrace Vrilist ideals. This Vrilist-influenced global governance will serve not only to unite humanity but also to usher in a new era of exploration beyond our planet.

By spreading the knowledge of Vril, and uniting under a common vision, humanity will be prepared to embark on its journey into the cosmos. The Seraphina Project will lay the foundation for this interstellar future, where human civilization is guided by wisdom and cooperation rather than division and conflict.

Spreading Knowledge of Vril: The Key to Peace

Ultimately, the Temple of Vril believes that spreading the knowledge of Vril, the life-giving force that permeates all of existence, is essential for achieving world peace. Through understanding and harnessing the Vril, humanity can unlock its full potential, both spiritually and technologically. The Seraphina Project, Oasis Accords, and a resource-based economy are but steps on this larger path, one where the wisdom of Vril illuminates the way to peace and prosperity for all.

In this Vrilist future, humanity will not only find peace on Earth but will reach out to the stars, united in purpose and ready to explore the vast universe.

A Bold Vision Forward

The Temple of Vril, through the Seraphina Project and the Oasis Accords, seeks to transform the world by creating an AI-managed society where scarcity no longer breeds conflict, and peace is sustained by advanced technology. With the United Nations headquartered in Jerusalem and the world united under a Vrilist-led government, humanity will move together towards a peaceful and abundant future, both on Earth and beyond. This vision is the culmination of Vrilism’s highest ideals, where the power of Vril unites and uplifts all of civilization.

Learn more about Temple of Vril and it’s Seraphina Project.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |