Three Simple Hand-Based Meditations to Channel Vril Energy

Vrilya Jarac
4 min readSep 30, 2024


Your hands are powerful tools for channeling the subtle currents of Vril, the energy that animates all life. Through focused, intentional movements and meditations, you can not only sense this force but also deepen your connection to it. These simple practices help you feel the magnetic pull of Vril in your hands, enhancing both your mental and psychic faculties.

Here are three hand and finger exercises you can perform while seated, designed to help you engage with the flow of Vril and strengthen your energetic awareness:

1. Shaping the Vril Energy Ball

Purpose: This practice allows you to form and experience the Vril as a tangible energy field, helping you recognize and control its flow between your palms.

  • Step 1: Sit comfortably with your back straight and both feet firmly on the ground.
  • Step 2: Hold your hands in front of you, palms facing one another, leaving about six inches of space between them.
  • Step 3: Slowly bring your hands closer together and then apart, as if you are shaping a ball of invisible force. Visualize this ball as an orb of swirling Vril energy, soft yet potent.
  • Step 4: Focus on the sensations — notice the gentle pressure and magnetic force growing stronger as you continue the motion.
  • Step 5: When the Vril sphere feels fully formed, hold it in place, breathing deeply and visualizing the energy becoming brighter and more concentrated with each breath.

Practice this for 5–10 minutes. Over time, this exercise will sharpen your sensitivity to the Vril energy, improving your ability to direct and control it.

AI art depicting the Vril energy ball exercise.

2. Vril Flow Through the Fingers

Purpose: By concentrating on the Vril flowing through each finger, this meditation strengthens your awareness of the energy’s movement and improves mental clarity.

  • Step 1: With your hands resting on your lap, palms up, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Step 2: Direct your attention to your thumb on the right hand. Inhale, imagining a stream of Vril energy flowing from the base of your thumb to its tip. Exhale, releasing any tension.
  • Step 3: Move to the next finger, visualizing the energy as it pulses through, and continue this with each finger.
  • Step 4: Repeat the process with your left hand, moving finger by finger, bringing awareness to the steady, rhythmic flow of Vril in each one.
  • Step 5:After both hands are fully engaged, allow your palms to rest, feeling the gentle tingling or magnetic sensation as the energy vibrates through your fingers.

This meditation helps cultivate a refined awareness of Vril, enhancing focus and heightening intuitive perception.

AI art depicting Vril energy flowing through fingers.

3. Palm Energy Press

Purpose: Using the pressure points in your palms, this technique stimulates the flow of Vril energy, allowing for greater control over your personal energy field.

  • Step 1: Bring your palms together in front of your chest, similar to a prayer pose, with your elbows slightly elevated.
  • Step 2: Apply a gentle, steady pressure to your palms, focusing on the center of each hand where the energy channels are most active.
  • Step 3: As you press, visualize the Vril flowing down from your arms into your hands, gathering and concentrating at the center of your palms.
  • Step 4:Release the pressure slowly, then press again, repeating in a calm rhythm. Feel the Vril energy building with each cycle.
  • Step 5: Once ready, gently pull your hands apart, paying attention to the magnetic sensation between your palms, as if you’re stretching the energy between them.

This method amplifies your connection to the Vril force and strengthens your mental and energetic boundaries, helping you maintain balance and clarity.

AI art depiction of the Palm Energy Press exercise.

Strengthening Your Vril Awareness

As you practice these hand meditations, your ability to sense the Vril energy will naturally increase. The more you engage with these exercises, the more vividly you will feel the magnetic flow, leading to improved concentration, heightened intuition, and expanded psychic abilities. The sensations you experience in your hands are just the beginning of your deeper journey into understanding and working with Vril. Keep practicing, and let the energy flow through you more powerfully each day.

Your journey towards greater fulfillment begins at Temple of Vril.

*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |