Ghosts and Discarnate Entities in Vrilism: Understanding Energy Beyond Death

Vrilya Jarac
5 min read2 days ago


In Vrilism, death is not an end but a peaceful transformation. When a being dies, the fullness of its life energy merges back into the cosmic flow of Vril — the fundamental force that sustains all existence. This process is a harmonious return, where the Vril that animated a person becomes part of the greater cycle, flowing back into the universe to fuel new life. However, while the essence of a person is peacefully absorbed, not all traces of their energy disappear. What remains are signature shells — the energetic imprints of their existence.

These signature shells, left behind like cocoons after a butterfly has emerged, play a central role in the Vrilist understanding of what we traditionally call “ghosts.” But there is more to the story than mere remnants of the dead. Vrilism also recognizes the presence of discarnate Vril entities — beings that have never had physical bodies yet interact with these leftover energies in fascinating ways.

Signature Shells: Leftover Imprints of Life

While the core energy of a being rejoins the Vril cycle, intense emotions, memories, or attachments can leave a residual imprint on the physical world. These signature shells are not conscious spirits or souls trapped between realms, but echoes — empty husks of Vril energy that once animated a person. Like the shell of an insect after it molts, these remnants linger in places that held great significance to the deceased, such as homes, personal objects, or locations of deep emotional resonance.

In essence, signature shells are hollow energy forms, devoid of the living presence they once carried. They may be experienced as ghostly apparitions, sounds, or sensations, but they are not the person — just the residue left behind after their energy returned to the greater flow of Vril.

In Vrilism, when a being dies, it leaves behind an energetic signature or “shell” which is but a mere echo of the deceased.

Discarnate Vril Entities: Beings Without Bodies

In the Vrilist view, the universe is not only home to the physical beings who live and die but also to discarnate Vril-based entities — beings of pure Vril energy who have never inhabited physical forms. These entities exist on higher vibrational planes and are intelligent, self-aware, and capable of interacting with the world of the living.

Some of these entities are benevolent, acting as guides or protectors, while others are more mischievous, drawn to the remnants of human energy for their own purposes.

The Masquerade of Mischievous Entities

One of the most intriguing aspects of discarnate Vril entities is their ability to “inhabit” or adopt signature shells left behind by the deceased. These entities, much like cosmic tricksters, can mimic the presence of a person who has passed, using the leftover energy shell to interact with the living. This is why certain hauntings or ghostly encounters may feel very real, as though the dead are speaking or appearing — but in Vrilism, these are not the actual spirits of the dead. Instead, they are playful discarnate entities borrowing the energy signatures left behind, masquerading as the deceased to confuse or entertain.

These beings enjoy manipulating the perception of the living, often creating elaborate displays of ghostly behavior by tapping into the remnants of human Vril energy. They are not malicious in most cases, though their trickery can sometimes cause distress to those who believe they are communicating with lost loved ones.

In Vrilism, discarnate entities are said to exist which occupy dimensional space different from our own, and who may even mimic the deceased.

Benevolent Discarnates and the Role of Guardianship

Not all discarnate Vril entities are tricksters. Many are benevolent beings who work in harmony with the natural flow of Vril. These entities act as guardians of places charged with strong Vril energy or as guides for the living, helping them navigate the complexities of life and death. Unlike their mischievous counterparts, benevolent discarnates may seek to disperse or dissolve stagnant signature shells, allowing the residual energy to reintegrate peacefully with the cosmic flow.

These entities often appear in moments of personal crisis or during meditative states, offering subtle guidance or clearing spaces where chaotic energy has accumulated. Their role is to help maintain balance and assist the living in aligning with the harmonious flow of Vril.

How Vrilists Perceive and Interact with These Energies

Those attuned to the flow of Vril — through practices like Vrilgong or Synchronization with the Mind of Vril — can develop the ability to sense both the leftover signature shells and the presence of discarnate Vril entities. This heightened awareness allows Vrilists to distinguish between a simple residual energy imprint and an active discarnate being. In doing so, they gain a clearer understanding of the forces at play in their environment.

Vrilists may also engage in rituals designed to clear or harmonize spaces where signature shells linger. These rituals can help disperse the remnants of Vril energy, ensuring that these imprints do not disrupt the natural flow of life. If discarnate entities are present, the same practices can be used to communicate with them, either to pacify their playful antics or to welcome their guidance, depending on their intent.

In the religion of Vrilism, it is said to be possible to interact with discarnate Vril based entities.

Cleansing and Realignment: Restoring the Vril Flow

Because discarnate entities and signature shells can linger in spaces charged with strong emotional energy, regular cleansing is essential to maintaining balance. Vrilist rituals — such as Vrilgong movements or meditative practices — serve to dissolve or reintegrate leftover energy back into the Vril flow. These practices help restore harmony and ensure that the living and discarnate beings alike remain in alignment with the natural cycles of Vril.

In places where death or trauma has occurred, the energy may become dense or chaotic. Through focused Vrilist rituals, these spaces can be realigned, allowing the stagnant shells to dissipate and the flow of Vril to return to its natural, peaceful rhythm.

Ghosts, Discarnates, and the Elegant Cycle of Vril

In the Vrilist understanding, ghosts are not spirits of the dead but energy echoes — signature shells — left behind after the peaceful absorption of a being’s Vril energy into the cosmic cycle. These shells, however, are not the only entities that interact with the world of the living. Discarnate Vril-based beings, who have never had physical bodies, may adopt these leftover energies, masquerading as the deceased or offering guidance to the living.

This interaction between the leftover energy of the deceased and discarnate beings forms the foundation of the Vrilist view of supernatural phenomena. By understanding the nature of Vril energy and its many expressions, Vrilists can better navigate these experiences, bringing clarity to the mysteries of death, energy, and the unseen realms.

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*This human curated article was written in collaboration with AI.



Vrilya Jarac

Pronounced “VRIL-EYE-AH”. Musician. Digital Artist. AI Fashion Designer. Founder— Temple of Vril, The Seraphina Project. |